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Selcukes Notifier

Selcukes Notifier helps to send notifications using Slack and Microsoft Teams.


Currently, we moved to On premises environments. To view HTML report generated by automation scripts we need to connect to the different VPN’s to open the report and check the related screenshots to see which test case has failed and why. So, why not raise an alert as soon as the test case fails? And why not attach a screenshot along with that alert so that all the stakeholders can actually see what has failed in the application?


Selcukes Notifier is primarily used as a Java dependency . We typically use a build tool (such as Maven or Gradle) to resolve the Selcukes Notifier dependency.



Add selcukes.yaml and update below config as follows

notification: true
type: teams
webhookToken: WEBHOOKXXXX
apiToken: APIXXXX
channel: selcukes

Create test class as follows

public class NotifierTest {
public void testNotifications() {
.scenarioName("This is sample scenario")
.stepDetails("This is sample test step")

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